Monday, January 07, 2008

I'm so excited!!!
'Nic is coming home soon!
20th Jan, simply can't wait for his arrival.
And yes kiddo, I'll get Old Chang Kees for you, don't you worry.

19th Jan is another special day.
My good sister Prissy is getting married.
Sigh, seriously, I'm happy for her yet at the same time I can't bear to see her get married. Well, I don't really know how to express this mixed feelings.
But, I'm glad I could do something for her on her wedding day, I'm helping out as one of the 'sisters' as well as the compere of her wedding dinner.
Prissy, your sister here 衷心祝福你,希望你永远幸福!

I'm so freaking in need of moolah, I'm like so freaking money-face now lah.
If only I could take up one more group of private tuition or tuition class......

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