Thursday, January 03, 2008

Can't help, but I'm itching to blog.
Hmmm......basically I just want to update you guys on what I am currently into;
I'm SO into TV series GossipGirl and this newly formed band named 大嘴巴DaMouth.

cool, GossipGirl is actually a novel, but turn it into TV series, and you'll get real life tabloids shouting at your face. It's like, the bitchiest TV show ever. Trust me, you'll love it.This is 大嘴巴DaMouth. A band in taiwan. I totally love their songs, their rock pop and rap. Wootz! Moove the groove in me, y'all. From left to right: DJ, 爱莎, MC, 怀秋.

I totally love these. Like, totally. Yeah.

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