Saturday, October 28, 2006

my dreams. my youth. my time.

my greatest dream is to be a famous performance artiste.
if you want me to give up all dreams and choose only one,
this will be the one i choose.
sometimes i'm so tempted to seize the day and run away from home
and go all out to some other country where i can realise my dream.
sometimes i feel that i am losing my youth lustre, my years.
as if i'm wasting my beauty, my skills and my talent.
sometimes the passion in me is so strong, i have to curb it for fear it'll explode and stir up the impulsiveness in me.
i know the more i curb, and as the years pass,
slowly, cowardice and cynicism turn in.
i'm afraid the fire will cease and gradually somehow,
it'll be put out.
someone, something,
fan the fire in me.
fan it so strong that i can burn wildly.
so wild that i can melt everyone's heart.

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