Monday, March 09, 2009

Reappraisal and Research

Probably because my theatre lecturer was Ah Liang, and he is quite a strong believer of Konstantin Stanislavski; that I, too, fell in love with the concepts of Stanislavski.

"The revolution thundered in and made its demands on us. There began a period of new explorations, of reappraisal of the old and the search for new ways. ...This link with the past and the eagerness to move to an unknown future, the searching quests of the new theatre - all this helped to keep us from succumbing to the dangerous 'charms' of formalism ... We did not succumb; instead we began our quest for new ways, cautiously but doggedly." - Stanislavski

I like it when I saw this chunk of words.
It was a reminder to me that we need to constantly review the past and come up with something new, having the courage to charge forward into the unknown, knowing that even if it is going to be a great challenge to step out of our comfort zone.
I am now in a new cell group (my leader is Tham Tham!!!) because our original group multiplied (praise be to God!), we had to split up in order to multiply more.
When I got the firsthand news that we are going to split, I knew immediately in my heart, I will move to the new group. Probably because I was heavily influenced by Stanislavski? Hahaha.
Whatever it is, we do need the courage, the faith and the perseverance.

"Let the wisdom of the old guide the buoyancy and vitality of the youth; let the buoyancy and vitality of the youth sustain the wisdom of the old." - Stanislavski

In here it says the wisdom of the old, I personally interprete it as the wisdom from the lessons of the past, and the buoyancy and vitality of the youth, I see it as the life and the vibrance of the present.

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