Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Sun Brightens Our Day

You know, I'm super pissed off because I did not get my pay cheque today.
So, I get a little cranky.
Damn boss I have.
Ignore me, I'm ranting again.
Sometimes, I wonder what kind of creature am I.
You know, I got this weird habit of making people fall for me, but in the end, even if I have feelings for that person, I'm always backing out at the idea of relationship. It's the thing about commitment and freedom. I'm so tired of it.
This is stupid.
Looking forward to Sunday.
Well, purely because I'm going on a brunch date with my A.J friends.
I heard that the venue is The Marmalade Pantry, am I right?
Good, looking forward to good food and good company and good talks.
Love you guys so much.
As for Dearie, meet up with you next Wednesday or something yeah?
'Cos for this week, I'll be quite busy.
I miss you, dearie.
Update me when we meet ok?

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